Friday, February 8, 2008

STOP THE MADNESS from a mad mom.

Let's not put up with the stupidity, smut and irresponsibility surrounding us and our kids ANYMORE!! We can make it stop by removing the incentive to continue in those behaviors. It continues because someone is making money. Let's boycott anything: TV, film, publications, music, language, behavior... that in any way says stupidity, smut and irresponsibility is ok. We can also go to TV, theatre, magazine, bookstore, music store, concert venue and advertiser websites and tell them we will no longer be supporting them in any way.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Liberal Who Gets It: Global Warming/Roy Innis

This is an article by Roy Innis, a Liberal and long time Chairman of a well known civil rights organization. His understanding of the impacts of global warming hysteria is important to hear. Copy and paste this link into your browser: